About the village and surrounding area.

Situated in the medieval village of Sauzet, the nearest town is Montelimar. TGV goes directly to Montelimar where it is possible to hire a car or take a taxi. Nearest airports are Avingon, 45 mins and Lyon 1hr 4 mins.

Montelimar has two supermarkets, large pool complex, tennis, a twice weekly market, selling fresh vegetables, fruit, cheese, spices and lavender, while larger markets such as Nyons are about 45 mins drive away. Sauzet itself has an excellent boulangerie, a mini super market, chemist, tabac, pizza restaurant, bar, post office, restaurant and chemist.

The surrounding area is of gentle wooded hills and the village over looks a large plain with a back drop of the pre alps where the land rises steeply and becomes rocky with mountain streams and numerous small villages with a wealth of old churches and buildings in the traditional Provencal  style. Swimming is possible in the various surrounding rivers and slightly further afield kayaking.

There is a wine co-operative in the next village and many wine growers in the region offering direct sales and free tastings.

Also grown and sold in the area, often on the side of the road, are sunflowers, lavender, peaches, apricots, garlic, olives and olive oil.

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